Saturday, January 18, 2025

Dugoni Is On Fire!!!


I have read many, many historical fiction novels in my many, many years of reading.  But Hold Strong, by authors Robert Dugoni, Jeff Langholz, and Chris Crabtree, is unlike any other.  It’s the story of a young man, Sam, and a young woman, Sarah, who are very committed to each other and who live in a very small town in Minnesota.  When the United States enters WWII, Sam joins the army.  A large part of the story is the years of captivity for Sam in the Philippines under Japanese rule.  At the same time, Sarah joins the WAVES and becomes a code breaker.  This is her story too.


Both storylines are fascinating.  But what Sam has to endure is mind-blowing.  Some of it is so unbelievable that you might think the authors made it up.  If you ever think that, then just go to the Afterword and the 90(!) pages of footnotes, and you will see that only the characters are fictional.  My hat goes off to the three authors of Hold Strong.  They researched the heck out of events from 80+ years ago.  We readers definitely did not “enjoy” a lot of what we read.  But we were never sorry we read it.


If you are into history like I am, then I know you will be glad you read Hold Strong.  If you aren’t…you will still be very glad you read this amazing book. 



Thursday, January 9, 2025

Robert Dugoni and Keera Duggan, #2 in the Series

Back on October 21, I reviewed Robert Dugoni's new series, starring a Seattle attorney named Keera Duggan.  I told you how much I enjoyed it.  Well, I just finished Book #2 in the series, Beyond Reasonable Doubt.  And, not surprisingly, I was as captivated with this one as I was with #1, Her Deadly Game.  BRD is another great combination of behind-the-scenes action with Keera, her family, her client, and the events leading up to the trial.  Her client in this case is a young woman, Jenna, who started a company that touted its medical findings and how they would save lives.  As you might have guessed, things don't go smoothly for Jenna.  And, on top of that, Jenna was a school classmate and friend of Keera's.  Let's just say she was neither the ideal classmate nor friend.

We see a lot of people in Beyond Reasonable Doubt that we saw in Her Deadly Game:  Keera's family (Maggie, Ella, and her dad and legendary trial attorney, Patsy), Frank Rossi, Seattle detective, and JP Harrison, private investigator, among others.  We also get to meet Jenna's partner, Sirus Kohl, and his daughter and corporate counsel, Adria Kohl, as well as Johnson Marshall, judge, Lisa Tanaka, controller, and, of course, Eric Wei (deceased!).  There are even more supporting cast members besides those I just listed!

I admit to being a sucker for a good courtroom battle.  And Bob does a great job of taking his time on the build-up to the trial.  The courtroom drama is mesmerizing.  I couldn't wait to see who would be called to the stand next and how Keera would approach them.  My guess is that you will feel the same.  But the only way you're going to know for sure is if you read Beyond Reasonable Doubt NOW!  And let's hope that there will be a Book #3 in the Keera Duggan series. I see a possible date for...Her Cold 2026?  Read #1 and #2 and then prepare for #3.

Footnote:  Like most series, #2 can be read independently of #1. However, it does help to get some background from #1. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

New Authors (for me) and Pages Read in 2024

Here the authors I read in 2024 (not counting those assigned by the publicist) that I have not read before.

PJ Peterson

Kate Evans

Christina Lauren

Jessica Rosenberg

Janie Chang

Kristin Vukovic

Maddie Dawson

Susan Dormady Eisenberg

Monica Wood

Tami Anastasia

Richard Snyder

Erika Montgomery

Jill Fordyce

Jeffrey Deaver/Isabel Maldonado

Victor Method

Pages read - 13,757


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Top Books of 2024

Here are my top books of 2024.  Out of a maximum of 4.0, I've got 4.0, 3.75, and 3.5.  And, like before, they are listed in the order of my reading them.

4.0 -

Look What You Made Me Do - Erin Gordon

The True Love Experiment - Christina Lauren

The Women - Kristin Hannah

Hold Strong - Robert Dugoni/Jeff Langholz/Chris Crabtree

Last Christmas in Paris - Heather Webb/Hazel Gaynor

3.75 -

A Killing on the Hill - Robert Dugoni

Queens of London - Heather Webb

The Trail of Lost Hearts - Tracey Garvis Graves

Only the Beautiful - Susan Meissner

How to Read a Book - Monica Wood

A Summer to Remember - Erika Montgomery

Hello Stranger - Katherine Center

Fatal Intrusion - Jeffrey Deaver/Isabel Maldonado


The Phoenix Crown - Janie Chang/Kate Quinn

The Paris Widow - Kimberly Belle

The Cheesemaker's Daughter - Kristin Vukovic

The Incorrigibles - Meredith Jaeger

Let's Pretend This Will Work - Maddie Dawson

Find Me in California - Kerry Lonsdale

Her Deadly Game - Robert Dugoni

Ice Ice Maybe - Rich Amooi

The Silent Watcher - Victor Methos

Tilka Faces the Odds - L.A. Meredith

Friday, January 3, 2025

Books Read in 2024

Here are the 45 books I read in 2024.  The first list is the books I read for our book club or just because.  The 2nd list is the books I read for the publicist that I read and review for.  Both lists are in the order I read them:

One Will too Many - PJ Peterson

A Killing on the Hill - Robert Dugoni

Wanderland - Kate Evans

Look What You Made Me Do - Erin Gordon

The True Love Experiment - Christina Lauren

Queens of London - Heather Webb

Matterhorn - Christopher Reich

Last Dance - Sheldon Siegel

Butter, Sugar & Magic - Jessica Rosenberg

Endless in Love - Jennifer Skully/Bella Andre

The Women - Kristin Hannah

The Phoenix Crown - Janie Chang/Kate Quinn

The Paris Widow - Kimberly Belle

The Treasure of Trenalon - A.R. Silverberry

The Trail of Lost Hearts - Tracey Garvis Graves

Booth - Karen Joy Fowler

Winter Sky - Jenna Starly

The Cheesemaker's Daughter - Kristin Vukovic

Only the Beautiful - Susan Meissner

Rattlesnake - C. Lee McKenzie

The Incorrigibles - Meredith Jaeger

The Haters - Robyn Harding

Let's Pretend This Will Work - Maddie Dawson

One More Seat at the Round Table - Susan Dormady Eisenberg

How to Read a Book - Monica Wood

Essential Strategies for the Dementia Caregivers - Tami Anastasia

Find Me in California - Kerry Lonsdale

Her Deadly Game - Robert Dugoni

Defector in Paradise - Richard Snyder

A Summer to Remember - Erika Montgomery

Hello Stranger - Katherine Center

Belonging - Jill Fordyce

Fatal Intrusion - Jeffrey Deaver/Isabel Maldonado

Hold Strong - Robert Dugoni/Jeff Langholz/Chris Crabtree

Ice Ice Maybe - Rich Amooi

The Silent Watcher - Victor Method

Tilka Faces the Odds - L.A. Meredith

Last Christmas in Paris - Heather Webb/Hazel Gaynor

Publicist Books:

Dream Me Home - Laurie Elizabeth Murphy

Danger Close - Domestic Extremist - #1 Comes Clean - Patrick Byrne

The Mindset of a Dyslexic Entrepreneur - Don Steele

The Angel and the Amazing Life of Maggie Love - C.R. Fabis

All Mortal Greatness: A Novel - Nelson Cover

Tesla's Cottage - Barbara Daddino