Looking for Jane, by Heather Marshall, is a very good and very interesting read. It's listed as historical fiction for a very good reason. It goes as far back as 1960 and as far forward as 2017. And it centers on abortion in Canada, both before it became legal and after. It focuses on three women with very different stories and how they are connected. It's a fascinating look at the abortion issue. And even though it takes place in Canada, many Americans obviously can relate to what these fictional women went through. Canada's abortion law went into effect in 1969. And Roe v. Wade was 1973. Of course Roe was overturned in 2022, leaving it up to each state to create its own set of laws.
It doesn't hurt that Heather picked such an interesting subject for her novel. Anybody who reads Looking for Jane is going to feel what these women all went through. But it doesn't hurt that the book is also very well written. it captures your attention from page 1. I mean, after all, 4.36/5 on Goodreads, with almost 60,000 ratings! And get this...her 2nd book, The Secret History of Audrey James, which came out in June of last year, has a rating of 4.40/5 with over 2,000 ratings! After reading LfJ, I know I'm going to get my hands on TSHoAJ.