Friday, October 10, 2014

Local Authors' Fair

Hi, all you local authors.  Fellow local author, and grand dame, Betty Auchard, sent this to me a week ago.  So I'm sending it to all of you.  Uh, notice that the deadline is either today or Sunday (probably today).  Sorry for my flakiness in getting this sent out.

An announcement from the San Jose Library.

Do you know a local author? have you assisted that person with any aspect of research for their book?  We are planning an Author's Fair at King Library, in November - coming up soon.

We would love to have your suggestions with contact information for local authors, having very recent publications, whose works are of:
•    general interest (non academic)
•    either fiction or nonfiction and
•    either written in English or have been translated into English

The authors that you recommend should also be very comfortable speaking about their works in English.

Please forward suggestions of authors, the title of their works and their contact information to …, Erik Berman by the end of next week - Friday, October 12th.

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