Monday, August 19, 2013

Village House of Books - A Stellar Opening!

Well, Village House of Books opened Saturday (did you figure that out from the title?). And it is FANTASTIC!  We were actually there twice.  The 1st time, we walked through, watched Cheryl and Steve interact with the customers (they exude a warmth that will bring people back over and over and over again), and spent a little time talking to them ourselves.  Then we left.  A while later, Joni said:  "You know, you never took any pictures."  Now, you would think with all of the author events I've been to, and all of the pictures I've taken and posted, that I would automatically think to do that.  That would be a wrong assumption on your part.  So, back we went.  At the end of this post you will see the results of our 2nd visit.  And to Cheryl and Steve's credit, they didn't say:  "What are you doing back here, you pain the ____?" (insert your own body part)

More important than any of the above is that this is a wonderful bookstore.  The way they've set up the displays for the books looks great (see below).  The furniture looks like it was custom-made for this store.  There are desks, cabinets, and even a little bed to climb on in the kids' section.  The books, themselves, capture a bunch of different genres, including best-sellers, self-help, children's, art, and even metaphysical (much to Joni's delight).  They also have some very cool gifts, like a combination cookbook and CD, as well as a small section for greeting cards.  They've got jewelry, incense sticks, and dolls (Madeleine and dinosaurs).  It's a small store with a ton of stuff - without looking cluttered. It's just so darn cool.

I do have one concern/complaint... Nope, just kidding.  There's not a single thing I would change.  It's a marvelous bookstore with great owners, an excellent selection of books, really neat (I'm running out of adjectives) furnishings, and the proverbial "and more."  2 other local bookstores, Recycle in Campbell and Books, Inc. in Palo Alto, have both expressed how happy they are to have another independent bookstore in the South Bay. Let me add my exuberant (found one!) 2 thumbs up to that.  Get down there and see for yourself.

Village House of Books
Cheryl and Steve Hare, owners
326 Village Lane
Los Gatos, CA
(408) 354-6600
(855) 329-2090

(Take a look at who's standing behind the mesh cabinet door - and who doesn't know that she's in the picture!)


  1. Wow looks wonderful. I can't believe it even has a little bed! Very clever. I am so envious that you have yet another terrific bookstore in your area!

  2. You'll just have to get back out here sooner rather than later!
