Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Week #5 of Recommendations (does anybody care about what number week it is?)

Well, here's the next list of 25.  I'm beginning to catch up and should have less than 25/week sometime in August.  But, as I said last time (just 6 days ago - I gained a day of catch-up and am just 2 days behind Mondays now), I am only listing those that the source loved.  They either gave the book a 4.5 or  5 out of 5 (I seem to be the only one, including Goodreads and Amazon, that rates on a scale of 4 - what a rebel I am!).  So here it is. Remember that I only list books that I haven't read or don't immediately intend to read.

Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx + Opal - Feed Your Fiction Addiction
M.L. Stedman, The Light Between Oceans, historical/women's fiction - Bermudaonion
Belinda Hawkins, Every Parent's Nightmare, true life story - book'd out
Taylor Jenkins Reid, Forever, Interrupted, contemporary fiction - bookfan
Chelsea Pitcher, The S-Word, high school - BookHounds
Luanne Rice, The Lemon Orchard, romance/women's lit - Booking Mama
Rachel Hennessy, The Heaven I Swallowed - book'd out
Janice Hamrick, Death Rides Again, Texas mystery - BookHounds
Megan McDonald, Stink and the Freaky Frog Freakout, 8th in series, young readers - Bermudaonion
Lindsey Farleigh & Lindsey Pogue, After the Ending, apocalyptic - Tangled in Pages
Wiley Cash, A Land More Kind Than Home, Southern fiction - Bermudaonion
Chris Grabenstein, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, middle grade -Booking Mama
Dawn Metcalf, Indelible, paranormal - Feed Your Fiction Addiction
William Ryan, The Holy Thief, The Darkening Field, The Twelfth Department, trilogy, historical
   fiction, Soviet Russia (like Sam Eastland and Tom Rob Smith) - Quirky Bookworm
Michael Walker, What You Want Is in the Limo, music history, 1973 - BookHounds
Angela Savage, The Dying Beach, crime fiction - book'd out
Kenneth Cameron, Winter at Death's Hotel, 1800's, detective story - Silver's Reviews
Simon von Booy, The Delusion of Separateness, WWII to present - Musings of a Bookish Kitty and Estella's Revenge ("a perfect book")
J.M. Sidorova, The Age of Ice - BookHounds
Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave, history - Estella's Revenge
Susan Rebecca White, A Place at the Table - Bermudaonion
Luisa Weiss, My Berlin Kitchen, cooking memoir - Amused by Books
Menna van Praag, The House at the End of Hope Street - Musings of a Bookish Kitty
Max Barry, Lexicon, thriller - Under My Apple Tree
Steve Worland, Combustion, #2, Australian action - book'd out

NOTE OF REMORSE:  I am WAY behind on reviews.  I'll be getting to them - someday (remember Meg Ryan's lament about turning 30 in When Harry Met Sally?).


  1. I enjoy looking through these list. I'm always surprised when I see titles that I've not been aware of in one way or another. Just goes to prove that there are a TON of books out there!

  2. I know. Isn't it crazy? I'm in my mid-60's, I read 65-70 books a year, and I'm seeing authors and books that I've never heard of. And many of these authors have written more than one book! This happened with you and your books too. If it weren't for the blogger community (especially Stacy and Kathryn), I might not have discovered you either. What a personal loss that would have been.

  3. I like looking at these lists even though I do follow a lot of the same bloggers :)

  4. Where do you think I got those bloggers?
