Monday, March 18, 2013


I thought it would be fun to list all of the local (S.F. Bay Area) authors that I have read at least once since beginning this blog (January, 2011).  Here are the 27 in alphabetical order:

Adair, Marina
Alexander, Cassie
Ballou, Mardi
Barrett, Elisabeth
Black, Cara
Blackwell, Juliett
Clayton, Meg Waite
Dart, Julie
DePaul, Virna
Eisler, Barry
Haynes, Jasmine
Jayne, Hannah
La Plante, Alice
Lamott, Ann
Lavigne, Michael
Lukas, Michael David
Michel, Deborah
Raffel, Keith
Senft, Adina
Siegel, Sheldon
Silverberry, A.R.
Sloan, Robin
Sussman, Ellen
Swan, Joan
Sweet, Victoria
Waters, Rayme
Helene Wecker

In case you didn't read the title of this post, I LOVE LOCAL AUTHORS!

P.S.  If  I left anybody out, I sincerely apologize.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have a lot of local authors! Are there a lot of events in your area?
