Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Only the Beautiful - Susan Meissner's latest

Only the Beautiful, by Susan Meissner, is a terrific book.  I definitely can't/won't give you any spoilers.  But I will say this...I was bawling at the end.  I know, I know.  You don't think this is anything unusual for me.  And I will admit that I do tear up on a (semi-)regular basis.  But this was actual crying.  That's all I'm going to say about that!

The story starts in 1938 and ultimately ends up in 1957.  Much of the book takes place in Austria.  And since we're talking about 1938 and moving forward, you can imagine that there will be some WWII storylines.  On top of that difficult subject, there's also a fair amount of references to eugenics.  You'll have to read the book to see how that fits in.

Bottom line is that Susan Meissner can flat-out write.  Do yourself a favor and get your copy.  And be warned that, as you would expect, there is some difficult reading.  But keep going.  It will be worth your time.  

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