Monday, June 3, 2024

The Cheesemaker's Daughter by Kristin Vukovic

The Cheesemaker’s Daughter is about Marina, a 34-year old woman whose family (not surprisingly) produces cheese.  The factory is on the south side of the island of Pag in post-civil war Croatia.  Marina has been living in New York City for many years (having been sent there by her father when she was in her late teens) and has recently split from her husband, who is Croatian and who she met in NYC.  She now finds herself visiting her family.  Does she just stay for a short visit?  Does she extend her time there to help her father?  Does she move back to Croatia?  You’ll have to read it to find out.

This book will definitely grab you.  There’s the ex-partner of her father, who left the south side quite a few years ago and who competitively produces cheese in the northern part of the island.  There’s his son who is Marina’s ex.  There’s Marina’s younger brother who just wants to play soccer.  And there’s even Marina’s Grandmother Badurino, who weighs in on just about every important decision.  You will get caught up in the happenings in the factory.  And you will definitely learn a lot about cheesemaking.

I must tell you I was rolling along in the story until…BOOM!  I was ambushed by my tear ducts!  I think I teared up (doesn’t that sound better than crying my eyes out?) every 3-5 pages until the book ended.  Whether you connect emotionally with the characters or not, you will, for sure, enjoy The Cheesemaker’s Daughter.  

P.S.  The Cheesemaker's Daughter will be available on August 6.

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